Representing the various segments of parish life, this group advises the pastor on the needs of the parish. The Council makes recommendations to the pastor that are in line with Catholic Church teaching and directives. Representatives are recommended by the adult congregation and are chosen by lottery in April of each year. Parish Council meets on the first Monday of October, December, February, April and June at 7 PM in the Parish Center.
Contact: Joe Cella
This group makes recommendations to the pastor concerning the parish budget and maintenance of parish grounds and buildings. The council meets on the last Monday of September, November, January, March and on the third Monday of May. There are twelve members at large who serve three-year terms, one Parish Council member and three ex-officio members — the Pastor, Bookkeeper and Maintenance Supervisor. New members are recommended to or by the present council and approved by the pastor.
Contact: Dave Ruther
[email protected]
Doris Pease
[email protected]
This committee is responsible for the evaluating, developing, and promoting a variety of programs for the formation and education in the Catholic faith. It address the spiritual & educational needs for all age groups, which include children & teens, Young Adults, and the older Adult. Any interested parishioner willing to work within the Catholic Church’s directives on religious education is welcome to be a member. Please contact Fr. Bernie for meeting times.
Fr. Bernie Weldishofer
[email protected]
Dave Copsey
[email protected]