First and Second Grades
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Atrium 2
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Atrium 2 is our First Confession/First Communion preparation program. It is a two year program which has been developed for your child to encounter Christ in the Holy Scriptures and the Mass. Parents and child enrolled are expected to be present in class and at all grade-specific Family Enrichment days. These mandatory Family Enrichment days will include lunch as well as presentations for parents and students. Atrium 2 is a hands-on Montesorri based program, not a textbook based program, so making up missed sessions is not an option.
This class is open to all first and second graders as well as third graders who HAVE NOT received their First Reconciliation and First Communion. All other third graders are to be enrolled in the Family of Faith program.
Your child will meet in every week for Atrium 2.
We will also have Family Enrichment Days. Parents accompany their child for a community meal and lessons from 11:45 until 1:45.