To assist parents with children that are less than 7 years of age receive the Sacrament of Baptism.
Please call the parish office at 937-382-2236 or email [email protected] to begin the Baptism Registration Process.
We will need to initially know:
(1) Parent's Names
(2) Child's Name, Age
(3) Desired date of Baptism - Baptisms can be celebrated at either Holy Name Chapel or St. Columbkille during Mass, or at another scheduled time outside of Mass. Do you have a specific Mass or time that would work for your family?
(4) Preference of Presider: Father Bernie or Deacon Bob Baker.
The parish office will return your call to fill out the Baptism Information Form. Date chosen, presider, and details will be discussed further at this point.
For infant Baptism, first time parents must attend the Baptismal Workshop.
Parents are welcome to attend the session even if you are baptizing your child at another Catholic Church.
The preparation session is to help familiarize parents of the importance and necessity of the Sacrament, the responsibility of the parents, the role of Godparents, the methods and symbols of Baptism.
The workshop lasts approximately one hour.
It is held on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 5:00 PM in the St. Columbkille Parish Center.
The workshop is only held if someone registers.
To register for the Baptism Workshop:
Please call the parish office at 937-382-2236.
Or scroll to the bottom of this page for online registration.
There are many wonderful people with great character who would make wonderful Godparents but do not fulfill the Church’s requirements. All Catholic parents should know the requirements before asking someone to be a Godparent. Godparents should be practicing, confirmed Catholics at least 16 years of age and in good standing in the Church. We encourage you to choose Godparents who will take the role seriously. Remember that the role of a Godparent is to help you in raising your child in the Catholic faith. It is our hope that Godparents realize and honor their unique role.
Church law requires that at least one Godparent be a practicing Catholic, fully initiated in the church through Baptism, Confirmation and the Holy Eucharist and if they are married, they must be married in the Catholic Church. If a non-Catholic wishes to share in the role of Godparent they may do so as a Christian Sponsor. A non-baptized person cannot be a Godparent.
If your child has already reached the age of reason (7), it is important that he/she know what Baptism is. Such a child would be required to participate in RCIC.