Parishioners with a talent for music, may consider joining their voice with one of our choirs.
Please contact the parish office if interested in this ministry.
(1) Adult Choir sings at the 9:00 AM Mass on Sunday. Rehearsal for all members is on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM in the StC Church Choir Loft from Sept 10th - the end of May.
(2) Resurrection Choir leads the singing at Parish Funeral Masses at StC. Funerals are usually held in the morning hours.
(3) Joyful Noise Choir recruits members to join them in rejoicing the birth of Jesus by singing at the StC Christmas Eve Mass.
St. Augustine Choir
(1) Christmas Choir recruits members to sing at their Christmas Eve or Christmas Day Services.
(2) Easter Choir recruits members to sing at their Easter Services.